Student Profile

Student Profile

The student profile provides a quick look at a student’s behavior reports.  The student profile can be reached on any student by selecting the student name in either the Student Search or from the Student Card.

Student Search: 

Student Card:

Student Profile: 

1.  To create a behavior report, select the New Behavior icon.
2.  Charts show the student’s number of Positive, Negative, and ODR reports per month for the current academic school year.  Note:  All ODRs are negative reports but not all negative reports are ODRs (Office Disciplinary Referral)
3.  Tabs at the bottom allow you to see the behavior reports in a table view.
4.  All reports can be exported from all tabs or printed.
5.  Current view tables can be exported into excel.
6.  Student schedule and contacts are accessible for view.

Complete Student Summary:

To see a complete student summary from the current year and the past years (if captured or loaded in BLOOM) select the Summary tab.

Select “Print All Summary” to see a complete list of behaviors per year for the student for disciplinary hearings.

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