Responding to Administrator Assistance Requested.

Responding to Administrator Assistance Requested.

When teachers create a behavior report and have a question regarding the behavior as to whether is should be an ODR (Office Disciplinary Referral) or not, they can select in the Next Steps to “Request Administrator Assistance.” These reports are routed via a workflow to the associated school administrator and are visible on the school administrator’s workspace.  School Administrators can view the report and either respond to the teacher (no ODR assignment) or they can convert the report into an ODR and respond to the behavior appropriately.

1.      When an Administrator Support Request is submitted, a number indicator appears over the tab.  Open the tab to view the reports.

2.      Open the report by selecting the behavior report number.

3.   When the report is open, review the information and the Nature of Request.

4.      If the report only needs to be responded to, then select “Respond to Teacher”.

5.   Save report.  The report will be routed back to the teacher and will appear on their Admin Assistance Requests tab on their workspace.

6.  The teacher can open the report and add additional comments and Submit and Close the report.
7.   If “Convert to ODR” is selected, the report will display the buttons at the bottom to allow you to respond to the behavior appropriately.

8.   Once completed, select “Submit and Close” to resolve the report.

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